Winter Skin Care

Photo by Kristin Vogt on

Tis the season for dry, cracked skin. So what can you do?

Cold weather and reduced humidity can lead to cracked and painful skin on the hands and feet. Exposure to harsh winter elements without proper protection can exacerbate the issue.

Hydrate and Moisturize:

Combat cracked heels and hands by boosting hydration. Drink plenty of water to moisturize from within, and apply a thick, moisturizing cream enriched with ingredients like shea butter. Regular application, especially after washing, promotes healing.

Exfoliate Gently:

Foster skin renewal with a gentle exfoliation routine. Use a mild scrub or foot file on heels, being mindful not to over-exfoliate. Regular exfoliation softens the skin, enhancing its receptiveness to moisturizers.

Protective Measures:

Safeguard your hands and feet from harsh elements. Wear gloves in cold weather to prevent dryness, apply a rich moisturizer before bedtime for cracked heels, and opt for breathable cotton socks. Avoid walking barefoot on rough surfaces to minimize further cracking.

December Special

Sparkle for the holidays with a chemical peel and our new laser facial. We are combining a chemical peel and laser facial rejuvenation to maximize your results. You will see a difference the same day!

For a limited time, $175.00 for the combination treatment!

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(718) 317-6252

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