Cold Weather Skin Care

Photo by Darius Krause on

As the cold weather continues, we’ll share some important tips to keep your skin hydrated and safe all winter long.

This week’s tips…

Cover Up: Just because you can’t see very much of the sun does not mean it’s not there. Cover up to avoid harmful UV rays, and be sure to layer with wicking fabric. You’ll want to avoid any irritation from scratchy fabrics, especially if you suffer from eczema or psoriasis. Also, check to make sure you are covered head to toe. No one needs frostbite after a day of fun. Don’t forget to apply sunscreen, as windburn is sunburn. A broad-spectrum SPF 30 should do the trick. Just reapply every couple of hours, especially if you are sweating.

Take care of your lips: When the cold air hits your lips for hours at a time, lips can become chapped and cracked. So, before you strap into those skis, layer on the lip protections and reapply regularly. Make sure it has hydrating ingredients like natural coconut or jojoba oils vitamin E, beeswax, and shea butter. For an added bonus, try to get a lip balm with an SFP in it. Lips can get sunburned too!

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Winter Skin Care

Photo by Kristin Vogt on

Tis the season for dry, cracked skin. So what can you do?

Cold weather and reduced humidity can lead to cracked and painful skin on the hands and feet. Exposure to harsh winter elements without proper protection can exacerbate the issue.

Hydrate and Moisturize:

Combat cracked heels and hands by boosting hydration. Drink plenty of water to moisturize from within, and apply a thick, moisturizing cream enriched with ingredients like shea butter. Regular application, especially after washing, promotes healing.

Exfoliate Gently:

Foster skin renewal with a gentle exfoliation routine. Use a mild scrub or foot file on heels, being mindful not to over-exfoliate. Regular exfoliation softens the skin, enhancing its receptiveness to moisturizers.

Protective Measures:

Safeguard your hands and feet from harsh elements. Wear gloves in cold weather to prevent dryness, apply a rich moisturizer before bedtime for cracked heels, and opt for breathable cotton socks. Avoid walking barefoot on rough surfaces to minimize further cracking.

December Special

Sparkle for the holidays with a chemical peel and our new laser facial. We are combining a chemical peel and laser facial rejuvenation to maximize your results. You will see a difference the same day!

For a limited time, $175.00 for the combination treatment!

Link to our Rhonda Allison shop is below. Simply click on Products on the home page and click on R.A. Marketplace under Rhonda Allison logo.

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(718) 317-6252

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Holiday Skin Care

Photo by Kristin Vogt on

Taking care of your skin during the holiday season and cold weather:

Take care of your skin while flying:

Prolonged exposure to airplane flights can affect your skin. Airplane cabin air is often low humidity with dry, recycled air. For some, this can lead to an increase in dry, cracked skin. There are some people that will compensate by making extra oil on their skin, leading to possible acne flares. In addition, UV rays can be more dangerous at high altitudes, and higher rates of skin cancer have been found in pilots. Moisturizers and sunscreen can be helpful prior to and during your flight.

Come back next week for some winter skin care tips!

December Special

Sparkle for the holidays with a chemical peel and our new laser facial. We are combining a chemical peel and laser facial rejuvenation to maximize your results. You will see a difference the same day!

For a limited time, $175.00 for the combination treatment!

Link to our Rhonda Allison shop is below. Simply click on Products on the home page and click on R.A. Marketplace under Rhonda Allison logo.

Call TODAY !

(718) 317-6252

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Holiday Skin Care

Photo by Kristin Vogt on

Taking care of your skin during the holiday season and cold weather:

Avoid alcohol:

Alcohol can cause the body and skin to become dehydrated, leading to dryness. This can also lead to a duller complexion and the appearance of sunken eyes. In some people, alcohol can also lead to flushing, leaving skin looking red and warm. Alcohol consumption should be done in moderation. When using alcohol, we recommend staying hydrated by drinking additional water both while consuming alcohol and the day following.

Come back next week for some more holiday skin care tips!

December Special

Sparkle for the holidays with a chemical peel and our new laser facial. We are combining a chemical peel and laser facial rejuvenation to maximize your results. You will see a difference the same day!

For a limited time, $175.00 for the combination treatment!

Link to our Rhonda Allison shop is below. Simply click on Products on the home page and click on R.A. Marketplace under Rhonda Allison logo.

Call TODAY !

(718) 317-6252

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Holiday Skin Care

Photo by Kristin Vogt on

Taking care of your skin during the holiday season and cold weather:

Take off your makeup:

When you fall asleep with makeup on, pores can be clogged, potentially leading to acne breakouts. On occasion, a sty can develop on the eyelid from clogged ducts from residual makeup. In addition, some ingredients in makeup can cause irritation/inflammation when left in contact with the skin for a prolonged period of time.

Get proper sleep:

Lack of sleep can lead to premature aging of the skin. Without adequate rest, eyes can look red/swollen with dark circles forming. Skin can also lose some water (which is restored during sleep) leading to a dry, dull complexion.

Come back next week for some more holiday skin care tips!

December Special

Sparkle for the holidays with a chemical peel and our new laser facial. We are combining a chemical peel and laser facial rejuvenation to maximize your results. You will see a difference the same day!

For a limited time, $175.00 for the combination treatment!

Link to our Rhonda Allison shop is below. Simply click on Products on the home page and click on R.A. Marketplace under Rhonda Allison logo.

Call TODAY !

(718) 317-6252

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What to Expect with Affirm Laser Skin Rejuvenation?

Photo by John Tekeridis on

What Results Can You Expect With the Affirm Laser?

  • Improvement in skin texture
  • Skin tightening
  • Reduction of fine lines/wrinkles
  • Reduction in pore size
  • Collagen production
  • Improvement in appearance of scars and stretch marks
  • Effective treatment for wrinkly under eye skin

What to expect after the Affirm laser treatment:

  • Patients leave the office looking quite red. However, this is short lived often lasting minutes or up to 24 hours after the procedure.
  • You may also experience some mild swelling or disc-shaped welts. The redness is typically gone in 24 hours.
  • We recommend limiting strenuous exercise for the rest of the day after your Affirm laser treatment. Sweat can further irritate the skin.
  • Limit sun exposure for 24 hours after treatment.
  • Make-up can be applied immediately following treatment.
  • Use only gentle cleanser and tepid water to cleanse the skin for 72 hours (3 days) post treatment.
  • Do not use a Clarisonic or powered cleansing brush for at least one week after treatment.
  • Serum antioxidants will help to soothe and lessen redness and aid in the healing process.
  • Keep the skin well hydrated and wear sunscreen.
  • After 3 days you can resume your normal skincare regiment

November Special

Sparkle for the holidays with a chemical peel and our new laser facial. We are combining a chemical peel and laser facial rejuvenation to maximize your results. You will see a difference the same day!

For a limited time, $175.00 for the combination treatment!

Link to our Rhonda Allison shop is below. Simply click on Products on the home page and click on R.A. Marketplace under Rhonda Allison logo.

Call TODAY !

(718) 317-6252

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Follow the link to our online store: RA Marketplace

Curious about Affirm Laser Skin Rejeuvenation?

Photo by John Tekeridis on

What is Affirm Laser Skin Rejuvenation?

Skin rejuvenation has become a buzzword and it can mean different things to different people. It includes laser resurfacing, facials, masks, injectables, the list goes on and on. At the core of skin rejuvenation is overall improvement to your skin’s health and appearance.

One of the latest innovations in the field of non-ablative skin resurfacing, this exciting new technology uses a fractional laser beam to help smooth, tighten, and improve the overall appearance of the skin. The Affirm’s fractional duo wavelength technology minimizes downtime, making it an appealing alternative to traditional laser resurfacing.

It is a laser rejuvenation technique that does not cause the top layers of the skin to peel. In the case of the Affirm, the main after effect is redness; however, the skin surface remains intact. This contributes to the faster healing time.

This is a new development in the field of lasers, a result of searching for effective treatments without causing downtime, while decreasing the risk of complications such as scarring and infections. What it means in practical terms is that the laser beam is divided into microbeams, kind of like a sieve. For every laser microspot, there is an adjacent microspot of untreated, normal skin. This normal skin between the laser microspots helps support healing after the treatment. With traditional resurfacing, the entire skin is lasered off resulting in a longer regeneration process and more downtime after the treatment. In essence, you get the benefits of laser skin resurfacing without most of the side effects.

When you consider laser skin rejuvenation treatments, we understand that downtime procedures are simply not for everyone. While the Fraxel laser or CO2 laser does a great job in resurfacing and remodeling the skin by making microcuts, it isn’t safe for darker skin tones and there is downtime. The Affirm laser is an alternative treatment if your aren’t ready for Fraxel laser or if you have a darker skin type.

Affirm laser is safe for all skin types and ethnicity’s. It safely delivers the laser energy into the skin without cutting.

How does the Affirm Laser make the skin look better?

Similar to the Fraxel, the first fractional resurfacing laser that came out years ago, the Affirm Multiplex stimulates the skin to make new collagen. The new collagen production helps smooth out superficial lines as well as depressed and raised scars in the skin. Unlike the Fraxel, the Affirm has a second simultaneous wavelength released into the skin, which delivers heat to the deeper layers of the dermis causing the collagen to contract. This contraction has a tightening effect that helps firm the skin and reduce sagging over time. Because of its duo wavelength technology, the Affirm works simultaneously on the outer and deeper skin layers, enhancing both the surface texture and elasticity of the skin.

Recent studies are showing that lasers like the Affirm laser can achieve comparable results to Fraxel laser skin resurfacing; however, a series of these treatments will be needed.

Come back next week to learn what to expect with Affirm laser treatment!

November Special

Sparkle for the holidays with a chemical peel and our new laser facial. We are combining a chemical peel and laser facial rejuvenation to maximize your results. You will see a difference the same day!

For a limited time, $175.00 for the combination treatment!

Link to our Rhonda Allison shop is below. Simply click on Products on the home page and click on R.A. Marketplace under Rhonda Allison logo.

Call TODAY !

(718) 317-6252

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Follow the link to our online store: RA Marketplace

The Before and After of Chemical Peels

Photo by John Tekeridis on

How to Prepare for a Chemical Peel

Before a chemical peel:

  • Do not use any type of retinol or retin-A topical medication for 48 hours.
  • Inform your technician about any medication(s) you may be taking.
  • Do not use Accutane for at least 6 months.
  • Do not use facial scrubs or exfoliants the week before the peel.
  • Do not wax, epilate or use depilatory hair removal products or hair bleaching the week before the peel.
  • Ask your doctors about the need for antiviral medication of you have a history of fever blisters or cold sores.

What to expect after a Chemical Peel

Recovery time for a light peel is 4-7 days. Your skin may be temporarily lighter or darker.

Recovery time for medium peels are 5-7 days. Your skin may be red for several months. You may experience initial swelling and perhaps brown blotches or crusts before new skin emerges.

Deep chemical peels may cause severe swelling and redness with a burning and throbbing sensation. It will take 2 weeks for new skin to develop. White spots may last several weeks and redness several months.

During your recovery, follow your doctor or technician’s instructions. Stay out of the sun until your skin has healed. Avoid using makeup or other cosmetics until your doctor or technician advises you to restart. Avoid strenuous exercise, excessive sweating, or sauna until the peeling process is complete.

Come back next week to learn about laser facial rejuvenation!

November Special

Sparkle for the holidays with a chemical peel and our new laser facial. We are combining a chemical peel and laser facial rejuvenation to maximize your results. You will see a difference the same day!

For a limited time, $175.00 for the combination treatment!

Link to our Rhonda Allison shop is below. Simply click on Products on the home page and click on R.A. Marketplace under Rhonda Allison logo.

Call TODAY !

(718) 317-6252

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Follow the link to our online store: RA Marketplace

Get Your Skin Ready for the Holidays!

Photo by John Tekeridis on

Chemical Peels

Chemical peels are one of the simplest, most effective ways to rejuvenate your skin. Signs of skin aging include brittleness, dull tone, more prominent scarring, and moderate wrinkling. Mature adults don’t produce as much collagen in their skin as they did when they were younger. Aging skin also retains less moisture. Skin cells reproduce themselves exactly and therefore reproduce discoloration and hyper-pigmentation.

Chemical peels act as a jump start mechanism to help the body replace healthier tissue.

How do peels work?

Basically, chemical peels involve the application of an acid to the skin. The acid varies depending on the depth of the peel. The acid will dry up the skin. After several days the skin layers will peel off depending on the depth of the peel. This causes an acceleration of healthier replacement tissue and collagen growth. There are three different types of peels: light, medium and deep. There are a number of reasons people may get chemical peels. Conditions that can be treated include fine lines and wrinkles, sun damage, acne scars, hyper pigmentation, scars, melasma and uneven skin tone or redness.

Light Chemical Peel

This is the most commonly performed chemical peel. A mild acid such as salicylic acid will be applied to the skin. The acid affects only the epidermal layer. The acid is washed off after several minutes. The skin will start to whiten and you may have a slight stinging sensation. Your technician may use a hand-held fan to cool the skin. Over the next three or four days, the epidermis dries up and peels away. The treatment can be performed in 45 minutes. There is no downtime after the treatment.

Medium Chemical Peel

This level of chemical peel addresses the problem of skin discoloration, especially acne or injury scarring involving the epidermis and upper portion of the dermal layer. A slightly stronger acid is used such as glycolic or trichloroacetic acid. The acid sits on your skin for a longer period of time. The skin will start to whiten and you may feel a slight stinging or burning sensation. Your technician may use a hand-held fan to cool the skin. The flake away can take several days longer than a mild peel. Smaller areas of hyper-pigmentation such as age spots, freckles or scars will become less noticeable. The procedure may take up to 90 minutes.

Deep Chemical Peels

This is a more invasive peel. It can be painful and sometimes performed under anesthesia. This type of peel fully penetrates the middle layer of skin. The peel often uses phenol or trichloroacetic acid. This type of peel has a higher risk of side effects.

Come back next week to learn more about chemical peels. Later this month, we’ll be discussing laser facial rejuvenation!

November Special

Sparkle for the holidays with a chemical peel and our new laser facial. We are combining a chemical peel and laser facial rejuvenation to maximize your results. You will see a difference the same day!

For a limited time, $175.00 for the combination treatment!

Link to our Rhonda Allison shop is below. Simply click on Products on the home page and click on R.A. Marketplace under Rhonda Allison logo.

Call TODAY !

(718) 317-6252

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Follow the link to our online store: RA Marketplace

Make a HydraFacial Part of Your Skincare Routine

Photo by Susanne Jutzeler, suju-foto on

Are you a candidate for a HydraFacial?

The answer is yes! The HydraFacial treatment is designed for all skin types. Even the most sensitive skin easily tolerates the HydraFacial treatment. We may choose specific treatment serums and/or customize the treatment for your unique skin conditions and needs.

Prior to your procedure, you can consult us for a skin evaluation and sensitivity test.

Although you can see immediate results with a single HydraFacial treatment, the most effective results come from regular application. We recommend one treatment a month to enjoy the benefits that the HydraFacial has to offer.

October Special

Purchase one HydraFacial @ $150.00 and receive the second for $100.00!

Both must be used within 60 days.

Link to our Rhonda Allison shop is below. Simply click on Products on the home page and click on R.A. Marketplace under Rhonda Allison logo.

Call TODAY !

(718) 317-6252

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Follow the link to our online store: RA Marketplace